Tag Archives: Johnny Bregar

What I was gonna write about the School Break Primates… a.k.a. Recess Monkey.

monkeyhandsI recently had a great talk with Drew Holloway of Recess Monkey  about their kindie career and how they got to where they are today sonically. How once upon a time they were just three school teachers recording in a school.  That he and Daron Henry would play guitar and drums and Jack Forman  would record them.  Then when they (Daron and Drew) got done recording the guitar and drums Jack would record his bass while the other two plotted out the next song.  No fancy studio for them as they recorded in the classrooms they taught in. It was a very sophisticated way of making a CD. Just three guys playing three instruments making good music.  A long way from the band that’s playing with the Seattle  Symphony on May 17th!    This is as far as I had gotten in this articlesubmonkeys about the growth of the Recess Monkey.  Especially in the world of music production.  I’d love to tell you about the many other cool things about Recess Monkey.   But it seems the notebook I recorded my notes in has disappeared.  In my house!   It may be under my son’s bed or being used as a diary by my daughter. Perhaps the wife’s been jotting down grocery lists.  I’m not sure.  If I had it I’d tell you about their awesome experience recording with Dean Jones (Most mentioned guy on this blog. Due for an interview.) on In Tents.  Perhaps we’d discuss the addition of Korum Bischoff after long time drummer Daron Henry left the band. (They have a drummer coming out party on the song Fish Sticks on last year’s Deep Sea Diver.  It is a truly amazing piece of drumming.)  Then I’d make mention of the fact that Deep Sea Diver and Desert Island Disc were originally one CD that grew into two because of the plethora of songs.  Talk about the heavy Brian Wilson vibe on Desert Island Disc.  That their upcoming disc was recorded with their musical hero John Vanderslice and that after Drew packed up all the Recess Monkey instruments into the minivan, drove them to the Tiny tiny telephone recordingTelephone Recording in San Francisco he ended up using just a mandolin. That John recorded the upcoming CD all on two inch tape.  TWO INCH TAPE!!!  On a Neve no less.   Why you ask is that so impressive?  Tape is a finite analog recording experience unlike digital.  Once you get the right take you erase the rest to use the tape again. So when you’re in the recording room you better be damn ready to record the song (Watch the documentary Sound City to get the scope of why recording on 2 inch tape and a Neve is so impressive.) Those are the things I would probably talk about.  Did I mention that Drew is still teaching,  Korum has around 3 jobs including Drum Teacher and Director of Events and oh yeah… Jack Forman.   The bass player, song writer, original engineer and now the late afternoon host on Kids Place Live (We’re big fans of Jack and the Monkey House listening most days in our car). These are things I would discuss if I could find my note book. Wherever it is.  What I did come away with from my conversation with Drew is the idea that a band becomes greater than its pieces.  That new recording experiences whether with Dean Jones, Johnny Bregar, Tor Hyams or John Vanderslice help fuel the way to more music and keep it interesting for the band.  In the beginning they recorded everything they wrote and then learned to write more and record just the cream of their writing.  They’re still having fun and still writing, playing and grooving out with audiences coast to coast.  Maybe I’ll find that notebook.  Would of been a heck of an article.  Now go support a kindie artist today! I leave you with my kids favorite Monkey video.  Self produced of course…

Congrats to Jack Forman and family on the arrival of the new Baby!  May she and mom be healthy and you all get lots of rest!

The Song and the Process. Polly’s Rain Dance by Johnny Bregar


The first time I heard Polly’s Rain Dance I was immediately grabbed by its swinging groove and cool guitar licks. The song about girl singing in a hot town desperate for rain is a bit ironic for Johnny Bregar who writes and lives in the Pacific Northwest. They’ve been known to get more than their share of rain .  Johnny is from the Seattle area and is part of the kindiependent artists (a collection of kindie artists from the Seattle Area that play shows and produce songs) and not only a singer/ songwriter but an engineer/ producer(has his own studio), plus he plays multiple instruments on his own CD’s…  Phew. He’s a one man recording industry! But I digress…   How Polly’s Rain Dance came to be is so cool.   Mr Bregar had just gotten himself a smaller vox amp and a Gibson 339 semi-hollow body and he was trying them out.  wpid-DV016_Jpg_Large_515256.015_antique_vintage_sunburst.jpgTest driving his new acquisitions as musicians tend to do.   Working out some Bluesy chords in G Major7 and loving the sound. Songs develop in many ways.  Some write the words, some write the music, some find melodies. Bregar is inspired by instruments and in this case his Gibson 339 Semi Hollow Body and Vox amp and the vibe and riffs he’s getting from them. They then lead him to lyrics of a sort.  He vocal riffing to the rhythm developed from the instrument guitar riffs he’s been working out. Vocals have become counter balance.   Just feeling the melody.   On this day he’s got the Gibson with the Vox all crunchy with a Les Paul/BB King/ New Orleans grove going and it’s just hot.  It’s summer drought hot.  He also likes when kids can identify with the subject and imagine where and what they’re (Polly) is going through.  But first he visualized it from a boy’s perspective but no! This is a girls song. He makes that change. But the song is still very hot. It’s so hot it needs to rain. Boom! Rain Dance Song! He now has the idea and a first verse.  Then he calls in his drummer friend Josh Labell.  Josh got a whole Bo Diddley/ New Orleans groove to go with what Johns got and the magic is happening. It’s on fire! Now he’s got to captue this sound and OH YEAH! Johnny wpid-4038-1.jpgBregar is in his own studio. To capture the sound he’s created he uses a Coles 4038 ribbon mic and an SM57.  Just because you hear a sound live doesn’t mean you can capture it correctly in a studio (The proper tools and engineers are what make that happen).  John grabs his guitar and leaves the Pro Tools running.  Then there is layering of bass and vocals and all the other incidentals. He considers days like this like an artist throwing paint on a canvass. He’s in the zone and his tools are his mics, amps, guitars, basses, etc.  He’s in the zone and he has the tools to paint the canvas.  John says something good always comes out on days like this.  I’d say Polly’s Rain Dance was a very, very good day indeed! (Events do not actually happen in one day but you get the idea.)  Johnny’s looking to start on a new CD in the spring and we will be looking forward to it.  So go check out his website and go buy a CD today!  In the meantime checkout a live version of the amazing Polly’s Rain Dance!

Not gonna be there

Burger awesomeness!!!

Burger awesomeness!!!

Last year at this time I was headed to my first ever Grammy weekend.  It was very, very cool.  Or should I say very, very warm!  As I sit here now after shoveling  six inches of snow my mind remembers a place of green grass, sunshine, good times, burgers and blue water.  You can read about  my weekend of  Rolling with the Bogle here.  There will be no such weekend trip this year.  While the Grammy weekend rapidly approaches I send out my best wishes to Chicagoan Justin Roberts and his band on their bid to win a Grammy.  I will try to catch the pre-telecast on the web if it’s available and cheer for them loudly if they win though the only reason I can see them losing is because of the drummer (drummers are always the fall guy).  I am back healthier and shoveling so back to the insights and reviews here on the page.  Johnny Bregar and I shall be having a conversation  about one of his songs today. I hope to share that with you by the end of the week.  Stay tuned and have a great day

2013 Remem-blurred!

The backyard view.

The backyard view.

New Zealand started out the year as my friend Nick invited us (the wife and I) to his wedding in January (amazing). Seems it’s been full-speed-ahead-try-to-catch-up-break-neck-pace-all-year-long. The year I went to the Grammys.  Many thanks to Jeff Bogle for making it an epic adventure there as well. What a great time thanks to the McHattons (TESLA!)

It's Electric!!!

It’s Electric!!!

, Okee Dokee Brothers, Mindy Thomas, David Tobocman, Debbie Block, Bill Harley and everyone else I got to hang with including new kindie blogger Rebecca Yorn Allison (Kids Can Grove)  Then there was a the last kindiefest ever! Didn’t know it at the time but many thanks to Bill, Stephanie, Mona and Tor for making it happen.  What a great time and I really did learn a thing or two from the panels but so much more from the people!

Great guys in great hats who make great music and me!

Great guys in great hats who make great music and me!

Story Laurie, Dean Jones (thanks for the beer), MCJ (always brings it funky), The McHatton clan (Such a great family), Mindy Thomas, Kenny Curtis. Rod Martin , Chris Wiser, Paul Butler, Dave Loftin, Paul Stark, Steve Songs, Laurie Berkner, Dan Zanes, Ralph, Jeff Bogle (again), Stefan Shepard, Rebecca Yorn Allison, Brady Rymer, Bridgette Rymer, Melissa Levis, Jacob Stein, Charlie Hope, Little Miss Ann, Mr Singer and the Sharp Cookies (good luck on the new school), Jack Forman, Drew Holloway, Korum Bischoff (Great addition to the School Break Primates) David Wax Museum (one of my favorite CD’s I heard this year!), Molly Ledford (I promise to be quiet next time), Morgan Taylor, Jason Rabinowitz, Joanie Leeds, Mr Kurt Gallagher (Peace and Quiet is a great song!), Lucky Diaz, Alisha Gaddis, Johnny Bregar (Polly’s Rain Dance is Awesome), Sean Hogan (Welcome to Fatherhood brother!), Kathy O’Connel (the Grand Dame of kindie), Danny Adamson, Tom Baisden (union brothers unite!), Tim Kubart (Congrats Chica Dude!), Beth Blenz-Clucas, Tito Uquillas and whoever I’m forgetting.  Just send me a note and I’ll add you to the list. Then we had a few gigs, finished our second CD, got some national exposure (thanks Elizabeth), played some more, kids kept growing, my daughter soloed in ice skating, my son jammed with me daily, listened to a lot of great music and wrote about a bunch of it. Went to CHITAG (thanks Rock Father). Frances england blink of an eyeWe also had family bouts of pnemonia, respitory ailments, colds and flus  and car crashes (no one injured).  My daughter just turned nine and my son will in a few months turn 4.  I joined a group of Dad Bloggers on Facebook (some seriously funny stuff).  Reconnected with some Pine Forest Camp folks from my youth.  Lost some weight and managed to keep it off.  On the right track closing out the year.  It was a interesting year to be sure and the growth has been good.  Thanks to all who have read the pages here and to those who inspire me to write and get better at it.  Hope everyone learned from 2013 and I wish them and theirs a Happy 2014.


Ageless kindie songs pt.2

The second edition of music made that knows no age.  Songs that could played anywhere with no one the wiser that they’re on a “kids music” album.  As we Poochamungas like to say… “Good Music Knows No Age.”  So without further ado…

The Not-Its Busy.  The Not-Its are a pure power pop 90’s rocking goodness.  This song about a family tying to get out of the house with a great horn section, power guitar riffs and Sarah’s vocals would fit on any radio playlist.kidquake

Brady Rymer Who Wants to Wear Shoes? Much of Brady’s music is ageless but this one especially.  From the opening guitar riff you know your in for a rocking ride.  This song deserves to be played loud and often (it has around here).  An autistic perspective on the wearing of clothing is poignant, funny, totally rockin and ageless.love me for...

Johnn Bregar Polly’s Rain Dance.  A little rockin blues shuffle about a girl in the desert of Australia who makes it rain.  Johnny makes great music and this is a song that shouldn’t be pigeon holed as just for kids.  Especially with the amazing harmonica being played in this youtube video here.

Rocking CD with flavors of blues, country and all cool.

Rocking CD with flavors of blues, country and all cool.

That’s three more tunes adding to the many kindie tunes that are truly ageless great music.

Kindie vs. Kindie… Damn them (not really) School Break Primates!

The Monkey three!

The Monkey three!

Being in a band and having produced 2 CD’s in the last 4 years gives you perspective on how much it takes to produce said product.  So when an artist releases not one but two CD’s with 15 songs on each, in the same year, you can imagine my annoyance. Damn you Recess Monkey!  Quit making (so many) CD’s ya damn dirty apes!  Yes I did just paraphrase Charlton Heston from Planet of the Apes. Yes I know that monkeys are “technically” not apes. Get off my back! (monkey-back-get it!)  There is always room for cheesiness on this blog.  But I digress…  The Kindie vs. Kindie Matchup  for today – Recess Monkey takes on itself!

recess-monkey dsdThe first to be released was Deep Sea Diver.  It’s a classic pop album doing what RM does so well.  Funky bass beats, cool licks combined with humor, silliness and sharp lyrics.  The have a coming out party for new drummer Korum Bischoff on the song Fish Sticks.  It’s a primer on drum beats and the man can play.  Korum also adds some bass vocals on a couple tunes especially on family favorite song Shrimp.  Having fun with (and understanding) height issues it’s a fine song with a message (funktastic wurly playing by Johnny Bregar (the kindiependents strike again).  I must mention the song Walkie Talkies (second family fave)  has the best radio handle name ever!!  FUNKY CHEETAH.   The overachievers already have FOUR videos done for the disc.  C’MON ALREADY!  (We’re yet to make one video for the new disc.) But I digress again… It’s a good CD and you should go check it out.

Turning to Desert Island Disc  we see an expansion of the Monkey sound.RECESS-MONKEY-DESERT-ISLAND-DISC_72  Trailblazer  reminds of one of my favorite RM songs Sack Lunch but more. The natural progression of a band that know what it wants.   Songs My Treasure, Sunburn and title track Desert Island got a whole Brian Wilson ocean vibe going on .  Desert Island not only has that add some Beatles influence.  It’s my favorite song on the disc.   Strings, woodwinds, horns and harmonies  mean that not only did they do 2 CD’s this year there was lots and time and commitment involved.  The winner is the listener once again.  So support the artist and go buy it!  Link to videos and CD sales below.



This is the disclaimer that the CD’s were sent to me for reviewing and that all opinions are our own.

The word is out and a song I wish I had written

The word has gotten out that we here at A man, a band and a plan…  are reviewing songs and CD’s.  The good news is that someone is reading our blog.  That’ I am successfully spreading the word of kindie which is part of the reason I write here.  But now Publicists and bands are sending me material as well.  The bad news is I now have more stuff to review and listen too. Up till now most of the kids music I listened to was acquired via CD swap.  One of mine for one of theirs.  Especially at the now defunct kindiefest.  The Poochamungas have traded with the likes of Joanie Leeds, Little Miss Ann, Johnny Bregar, Kurt Gallagher, The Hipwaders, Joanie Leeds, The Boogers, Rollie Pollie Guacamole, Story Laurie, Recess Monkey, The Not-Its,  and many others.  This is a great way to build a childrens music library of high quality tunes.  Plus no pressure to listen right away.   We here at Poochamungas HQ like listening to lots of  music and to buy all that music would be cost prohibitive. But now they are mailing CD’s with expectations!  The pressure oh my goodness… THE PRESSURE!!! (a bit overdramatic)   As Ross Perot used to say “Here’s the deal  We promise to give everything a listen.  If it’s exceptional we shall review it.  Whether it’s a song, CD art or the entire package.  Excellence should be its own reward but we’ll gonna try to help spread the word on this thing we call kindie.  Plus I’ll try to spread the word on works you may not have heard of but are excellent and should be heard.  That’s the deal.  So to get started…

Groovin in the garden

groovin in the garden

As I type this I’m listening to a CD by Laurie McIntosh aka… Story Laurie.  I acquired it while hanging with a bunch of  musicians, on a beautiful Brooklyn night, hotel rooftop, during kindiefest (cue sad music).   The CD is solid with a mixture of traditional songs and originals (Dean Jones produced) but the song I really like is Grandma Said. Just a Uke,  groovy bass line for attitude,  drum shuffle and Lauries  knowing vocals.  This is a song that takes you to moments remembered with Grandma.  A child asking thousands of questions and Grandma not knowing. Which is ok because someone  is listening which is what kids really want.  Someone to be interested.  The close of the song is perfects as Laurie sings Grandma saying “But Those were the best questions she’d ever heard”.  Nice affirmation and it’s a song I wish I had written. So go to the link below and by the song. Buy the CD.  Support artists so they can continue to make music for us to enjoy! 


I know that girl and music we’ve been listening too since kindiefest…

Cover of American Profile. Diane Guthrie photo.

Cover of American Profile. Diane Guthrie photo.

Anyone who reads this blog know of my trials and successes as a kindie musician.  To promote my next CD I have taken the next step of hiring the services of Publicist Elizabeth Waldman Frasier of Waldmania (very excited.)  So imagine my surprise when I see my daughter has garnered the photo in American Profile (a national publication) in an article titled Jiggle Jam by Carol Crupper.   Sure it’s an article about Jim Cosgrove, Dan Zanes, Frances England and the Okee Dokee Brothers but there on the front page is my daughter singing along with Jim! (she’s the tall redhead)  Now Jim is a great guy, friend and Jiggle Jam is a festival worth making the trip to if you get the chance.  Really the best family festival I have ever been to… Twice!  But I’m thinking maybe I hire my daughter to do the PR?  After all she just made the cover of a national publication…

It’s been three weeks since I attended Kindiefest and we have been working our way thru all the music we received while in attendance (By we I mean my two kids and I.)   A few CD’s have been really separating themselves from the rest.  First is The Hipwaders – Golden State.

One of our new Fav's!

One of our new Fav’s!

The hit on Kids Place Live (KPL) was a groovy cool sounding Hey Josie.   But The Ramble (been stuck in my head for a week in a good way) is my favorite.  If you like California surf guitar licks with a driving backbeat this CD is for you.  Next is Johnny Bregar – My Neighborhood.  I define this as American Music.  Rock, Blues, Country and all cool.  We

Rocking CD with flavors of blues, country and all cool.

Rocking CD with flavors of blues, country and all cool.

were big fans of Polly’s Rain Dance  (played on KPL) and  the whole CD is just a continuation of great sounding music.  To call this kiddie music or label these CD’s as just for children is a disservice.  As we in Poochamungas land like to say.  Good Music Knows No Age.   The third CD which is not a “kids” CD (the band closed kindiefest.)  is David Wax Museum – Knock Knock Get up.  It’s defined as Mexo-Americana but WOW!  To try to categorize the music limits what this album really is.  While you can hear the Mexican and Americana influences the music is it’s own definition and it totally blew me away.

Amazing music.

Amazing music.

The title song is amazing as is the rest of this wonderful music.  There is a very deep musical pool on this CD and I suggest you jump on in.   I shall be voting for them come Grammy Time (The other two artists CD’s released in 11′ and 12′ so no voting for them.)  I still have a few more CD’s to listen and will report as I do.  But these will all be in rotation for weeks to come.

Kindiefest! Days 2-4


Johnny Bregar and Danny Adamson

Bill Childs got his swag bag.

Bill Childs got his swag bag.

After a full night the day before I awoke at 7am looking at the ceiling.  No kids, no place to be till 10am and I awake at 7am!!!  I was not happy.  So I headed down to the lobby for breakfast that is offered by the hotel.   One of the better continental breakfasts I have ever seen. Not just scrambled eggs and sausage but make your own waffles and fresh Brooklyn bagels!!! So after a low carb breakfast of eggs, sausage, a couple of potatoes and water. I headed over to the treadmill to continue working on #alittlelessfat.  While the competition is over the battle is not yet won (I have a ways to go.)   So after 25 minutes on the hamster wheel, a trip to the new man machine I was off to kindiefest.  Arriving at BAM I realized what I had left in Chicago.  My kindiefest badge.  So after registering and getting a replacement my 3rd kindiefest was officially started!  I could go into the different panels I saw and didn’t see.  Or how I missed the Lion and the Bear during showcase because I forgot my wallet back at the hotel (a very big moment of panic).  The was also the feet so sore syndrome affecting many after hours of standing, talking, walking and laughing.  But mostly I came away with two things.  One was “find your own Mississippi River.”  Molly Ledford said this in a panel referring to the Okee Dokee Brothers Grammy winning album Can you Canoe? (we loved it too!)  Stefan Shepard talks about this in his blog better than I can.  Go read it here.   IMG_20130427_145032The other thing that I got was MAKE GREAT MUSIC.  This was repeated during a few panels and ties in with “find your own Mississippi River.”   The music has to inspire you before it inspires others.  Which is what I imagine most of us artists try to do.  I use my kids and my childhood to write my music.  This was mentioned on a few panels.  My motto for the band has become Good Music Knows No Age.  I don’t try to write age or kids specific songs.  I try to write good songs and hope kids like them.  Since I have two kids I tend to write about things they are interested or things from my childhood they can relate to.  So I could ramble on about all the great people I got to talk too, drinks shared, empanadas eaten and weary, weary feet.  I will not.  I will thank Melissa Levis and Bridget Rymer for sharing their piece of wall with me Friday night as I sat and rested weary feet.  A very enlightened conversation.

David Wax Museum were amazing!

David Wax Museum were amazing!

The David Wax Museum for playing music that made me say wow during Sundays festival and the kindie community at large.  I know it goes without saying but the biggest fans of the kindie music are the artists themselves!  It is the generosity of others , their input and help and  makes it possible for me to do what I do.  So thanks to Bill. Tor, Mona and Stephanie for holding another festival.  The next post I will review some of the CD’s I garnered at the festival!

Stefan, Jack and Ralph at the Empanadas truck for lunch.

Stefan, a hidden Johnny,Jack and Ralph at the Empanadas truck for lunch.

Songwriting class, songs we are liking and gigs

The Poochamungas are now offering songwriting classes.  Our first class was a fun success at the Skokie Public Library.  We provided the notebooks and the kids provided the ideas.  We ended up with a song called Rainbow to the Zoo.  

Poochamungas Favorite Library!

Riding in the Car.  Didn’t know what to do.  Mom suggested riding a rainbow to a Zoo . You wont find  lions, tigers parrots or bears.  Most of all you got to be aware. Goblins at the gate.  Pegasus roam free.  Unicorn rides are 2pm daily.  Don’t pet the T-Rex  he isn’t very nice.  Pixies run a food stand serving magic rice.

 Riding in the car, didn’t know what to do.  Mom suggested riding a rainbow to a zoo. Riding in the car, didn’t know what to do.  Mom suggested riding. A rainbow to the zoo.  A rainbow to the zoo.

Giant for a zookeeper.    I hear  he’s named Magrew.  Gets more creatures than you ever knew. Three legged Moogles,  elephant with wings,  more and more unusual things. Looking for a snack I won’t tell you twice.  Don’t buy the talking candy it isn’t very nice. Now the day is over, all is said and done. Who knew riding the rainbow could be so much fun! 

Riding in the car, didn’t know what to do.  Mom suggested riding a rainbow to a zoo. Riding in the car, didn’t know what to do.  Mom suggested riding. A rainbow to the zoo.  A rainbow to the zoo. A rainbow to the Zoo! (c) 2012

We are considering putting it on our next CD!

So in the world of kindie music that we are listening two the Okee Dokee Brothers Can you Canoe?  is still in heavy rotation.  The brilliance of this album is it’s not really a kids CD.  It’s a folk CD for the whole family. The music and lyrics are as timeless as the Mississippi which they traveled to write the music..  We have also seen the accompanying DVD 5 times.  A really great set!  Since we also have Kids Place Live in the car we have a few fav’s playing right now.  Johnny Bregars Polly’s Rain Dance is really great.  Caspar Babypants Summer Baby  and the grandsons, jr with Hey, Stop that Dancing up there .  All three of these songs involve much toe tapping and singing.  Check em out if you get the chance.

What a busy couple weeks for the Poochamungas.  We played 3 shows in 7 days and also taught a songwriting class in that time period.  It was a lot of fun though the outside gigs were hot.  Hydration is the key to playing in the heat.  We’ll be plaing again at St. Helens Carnival on August 26th at noon!  Stop on by if you can.