The Big Toy show is a Coming!


Hey there folks it’s been awhile and I took a break. Wanted to let you about a really cool thing coming up this week.  This weekend it’s the annual Chicago Toy and Game Fair!!! It’s this Saturday and Sunday November 21 and 22.  All the new toys for the upcoming holiday season AND lots of cool games as well.  BE sure to check it out! We’ve gone the last two years and my kids have had a really great time. Plus if your interested they have a STAR WARS LUNCH.  Hang with some storm trooper and get some vittles.  It’s a fun time if you can make it to Navy Pier this weekend.  Coming up are my top ten kindie music CD’s of the year.

One response to “The Big Toy show is a Coming!

  1. It’s going to be awesome! What an exciting event!!!