Tag Archives: Shoes

Ageless kindie songs pt.2

The second edition of music made that knows no age.  Songs that could played anywhere with no one the wiser that they’re on a “kids music” album.  As we Poochamungas like to say… “Good Music Knows No Age.”  So without further ado…

The Not-Its Busy.  The Not-Its are a pure power pop 90’s rocking goodness.  This song about a family tying to get out of the house with a great horn section, power guitar riffs and Sarah’s vocals would fit on any radio playlist.kidquake

Brady Rymer Who Wants to Wear Shoes? Much of Brady’s music is ageless but this one especially.  From the opening guitar riff you know your in for a rocking ride.  This song deserves to be played loud and often (it has around here).  An autistic perspective on the wearing of clothing is poignant, funny, totally rockin and ageless.love me for...

Johnn Bregar Polly’s Rain Dance.  A little rockin blues shuffle about a girl in the desert of Australia who makes it rain.  Johnny makes great music and this is a song that shouldn’t be pigeon holed as just for kids.  Especially with the amazing harmonica being played in this youtube video here.

Rocking CD with flavors of blues, country and all cool.

Rocking CD with flavors of blues, country and all cool.

That’s three more tunes adding to the many kindie tunes that are truly ageless great music.