Tag Archives: dads

Gone too soon. Thank you Oren

A  couple of years ago a fellow blogger and friend James Zahn (The Rock Father) invited me to join a Dad Blogger group on Facebook.  A man by the name of Oren Miller (A Blogger and a Father) welcomed me to the group he had started as a way for dads who blog to talk about their families, exchange ideas, argue a bit, offer support to fellow fathers and bloggers and most of all recognize the positive force dads are in society.  The only rule in the group is “Don’t be a Dick.”   Well this past week the man who had the brilliant idea to gather dad bloggers of all types died of stage four lung cancer.  He leaves behind a wife and two children .  I can only offer this.  Thank you Oren.  You inspired and touched the lives of so many people and so many that never even had the chance to meet you, myself included. You challenged people to be better by your words and actions.    I leave you all with an Old Irish Blessing.

May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind always be at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
and rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.

You can donate to Oren’s Family by clicking HERE.

Some Damn Fine Father Bloggers for Father’s Day.

It’s nearly Father’s Day and I thought I’d run my personal blog roll of the Dad’s who I read with some frequency. Those that inform, educate, humor and write some really good stuff…

Out With The Kids – Jeff Bogle isowtk the guy I started reading first for kids music and watched his site grow from a kindie centric site to a very well rounded family focused webzone.  His monthly music podcast is one of the best around and always family friendly.

The Rock Father – James Zahn  is a friend, father, and all around family resource for entertainment, toys and music.rockfather  He profiled me as one of his “ Rock Fathers” for Father’s Day in June and made me sound pretty damn cool. A page I check regularly and you should too.

How To Be A Dad – If Charlie Capenhtbad and Andy Herald’s blog were a baseball team they would be the Yankees.  A benevolent and kind version that helps other dad bloggers along and puts out some really funny and relevant parent relating stuff.

Dad and Buried – Mike Julianelle dadandburied writes the stuff I would if I were to write more about my family which is not necessary since he’s writing.  Very funny man with a perspective on kids and family I truly appreciate.

A Blogger and a Father – Oren Miller is the one who started the DadBloggerFather Blogger group on Facebook I belong to.  At least once a week I find myself laughing hysterically or thinking profoundly from stuff posted there.   Oren’s a very able writer who just found out he has cancer. His blog post on this is… I have no words you just need to read it.

There’s probably a few I could add to the list but this is a fine starting point. Go support a dad blogger today!