Tag Archives: Things I Like

That ain’t a sneeze…

Ah yes.  Those are the words spoken in my children’s most favorite song of recent days.  It’s off of the Istvan and His Imaginary Band EP called Things I Like.  It is in fact spoken on the title track itself.  Lucky for me it’s a pretty rocking country flavored tune.  The line in question is spoken when the lead singer implies that he likes food that makes him sneeze. A bandmates start to sneeze but instead of the sneeze comes unexpected flatulence.  When Istvan states “That ain’t a sneeze” the band member replies “Nope”.  The whole band then reacts accordingly and my kids crack up every time. My son runs the dialouge as one sentence


It’s pretty funny the first 500 times.  I’m still amused.  I may need to change it out of the car so as not to wear out the fun.  I already talked about how good Istvan’s lastest CD release is (SWEET) and his first EP is pretty darn good too.  Right after you make a Poochamungas purchase for Xmas stop and get some Istvan and His Imaginary Band CD’s. Imaginary or not this band is rocking it out!

Istvan things I like