Rooting for the kindie home team at the Grammys

Justin RobertsTomorrow is the big award day for those that are members of  The Recording Academy.  The Grammy Awards.  While many will watch the main event on TV some of us are more interested in the pre-telecast show when the best Children’s artist category is awarded.  If you happen to be attending the Grammy’s make sure you attend the pre-telecast which is available for viewing on the internet at  The pre-show has a free buffet and beverages available. You get to mingle with fellow artists and choose to sit anywhere you want (first come, first served) with the majority of awards  handed out at this time (I got to meet Tenacious D).  The night telecast offers no food and the best dressed people you have ever seen are in long lines for McDonald’s.  But I digress… I shall be rooting for my kindie colleague/nemesis/fellow songwriter and Chicagoan Justin Roberts.  He put out an exceptional CD (Recess) this year and has been doing so for a long while.  Plus his drummer and my friend Gerald Dowd would be getting one as well for his excellent percussion work on the CD.  In my family the word drummer has been replaced with Dowd.  My son refers to all drummers as “The Dowd”.  So when we jam at home he’ll point to his mom and say “you can be the Dowd.”   I shouldn’t forget the excellent work his producer and guitarist Liam Davis has done making the recorded music sound so good.  Jacqueline Schimmel (Bass) and Dave Winer (Trumpet/ Sneakers) round out the band.  I wish all of you a great time and best of luck.  We here in my house will be hoping for a win for the Dowd!

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